The Steering Committee
BANEA is overseen by a Steering Committee comprising:
Representatives appointed from institutions in the UK that teach and/or support research in Near Eastern Archaeology;
Individuals nominated by BANEA members and elected by the Annual General Meeting;
At least two elected student representatives;
Four Honorary Officers: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
The BANEA Steering Committee meets in person once per year during the annual conference, and holds virtual meetings approximately 4-6 times per year.
Honorary Officers:
Chair: Dr Christoph Bachhuber – University of Oxford (christoph.bachhuber@ames.ox.ac.uk)
Secretary: Martyn Weeds – British Institute at Ankara (biaadev@britac.ac.uk)
Treasurer: Dr Neil Erskine – University of Glasgow (neil.erskine@glasgow.ac.uk)
Membership Secretary: Dr Yağmur Heffron – University College London (y.heffron@ucl.ac.uk)
The work of the Steering Committee is supported by subcommittees, formed from time to time to further specific tasks and agendas. Currently, these are:
Decolonisation Subcommittee (Chair: Dr Kristen Hopper, University of Durham – k.a.hopper@durham.ac.uk)
Use of Funds Subcommittee (Chair: Martyn Weeds, British Institute at Ankara – biaadev@britac.ac.uk)
Meet all members of the SC
Ava Clark
Representative member