Useful sources on ANE studies
Ancient World Online: http://ancientworldonline.blogspot.com/
The Morgan Library/ Museum Blog: https://www.themorgan.org/blog/near-east-western-asia-brief-history-archaeology-and-colonialism
Online Museum databases
British Museum: https://www.britishmuseum.org
Oriental Institute Chicago: https://oi-idb.uchicago.edu/
Pennsylvania Museum: https://www.penn.museum/collections/
Excavation archives
British Mandate of Palestine Department of Antiquities archives: http://www.iaa-archives.org.il/default.aspx
Woolley Excavations at Ur: http://www.ur-online.org/about/5/
Key journals for Levantine Archaeology
Anatolian Studies
Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes
Annual of Department of Antiquities of Jordan
American Journal of Archaeology
Archaeology and History in Lebanon
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
BAAL: Bulletin d'Archeologie et d'Architecture Libanaise
Egypt and Levant
Israel Exploration Journal
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Palestine Exploration Quarterly
Near Eastern Archaeology
Revue Biblique
Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan
Tel Aviv
The Ancient Near East Today
Zeitschrift des Deutschen-Palästina Vereins
Open-access publications
Open Access journals: http://ancientworldonline.blogspot.com/2015/12/alphabetical-list-of-open-access.html
Open Access Monograph series: http://ancientworldonline.blogspot.com/2014/06/alphabetical-list-of-open-access.html
CREWS Publications: https://crewsproject.wordpress.com/crews-publications/
Oriental Institute Chicago publications: https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/catalog-publications
Orbis Bliblicus et Orientalis publications: https://www.zora.uzh.ch/view/subjects/OBO.html